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Contact: Deacon Patricia Johnson, Chairperson



The deacons serve in support of the Pastor in shaping the vision of the church in worship, as spiritual leaders, and giving guidance to all ministries and discipleship groups of the church. ASBC is tremendously blessed to have 63 Deacons called by God, to serve and care for His people at Alfred Street Baptist Church.




Worship Schedule: Saturday at 6pm   Sunday at 8am, 11am

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Deacon Grace Albritton

Deacon James Bender

Deacon Alan Boykin

Deacon Johnny Brown

Deacon Ardith Collins Jr.

Deacon Byron Crenshaw

Deacon Juanita Davis

Deacon Kisha DeSandies

Deacon James Garrett

Deacon Winston Gaskin

Deacon Malcolm Greene

Deacon Darryl Howell

Deacon Vernell Howell

Deacon Patricia Johnson*

Deacon Gilbert Knowles

Deacon Virgil Lewis

Deacon Elizabeth Middough

Deacon Charles Monterio, Sr.

Deacon Mark Montgomery*

Deacon Norman Moore

Deacon Isaiah Morrison III

Deacon Necholus Ogden

Deacon Patricia Owens

Deacon Daniel Perez

Deacon Alvin Phillips

Deacon Larnce Robinson

Deacon Amanda Stafford

Deacon Alton Wallace

Deacon Hal Walls, Jr.

Deacon Kathy Washington

Deacon Charles Whitmore

Deacon William Willis

Deacon Curtis Baylor

Deacon Robert Bogan

Deacon Earl Brown

Deacon Lawrence Clark

Deacon Deborah Crawford

Deacon Tshaka Cunningham

Deacon Karen DeSandies

Deacon Russell Easter

Deacon Terrill Garrison

Deacon Lisa Grant

Deacon Lottie Hall

Deacon Tom Howell

Deacon Bessie Johnson

Deacon Barbara Keller

Deacon Paula Lewis

Deacon Lionel Martin

Deacon Charles Monterio, Sr.

Deacon June Monterio

Deacon Erroll Moore*

Deacon Mark Morris

Deacon Nancy Myrick

Deacon Beverly Overby

Deacon J. Erin Payne

Deacon Charles Perkins

Deacon Johnny President

Deacon LaVar Smith

Deacon Earl Stafford, Jr.

Deacon Patricia Wallace

Deacon Lorraine Ward

Deacon Tamara Washington

Deacon Carlton Willis

Deacon Doris Winstead




* Officers:

Chair – Deacon Patricia Johnson
Vice-Chair – Deacon Mark Montgomery
Secretary – Deacon Erroll Moore

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