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Worship Schedule: Saturday at 6pm   Sunday at 8am, 11am

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Worship Services


There are a variety of services for worshipers of all ages at Alfred Street Baptist Church.

All week long, come, meet God, give thanks and nourish your spirit.


Saturday and Sunday Worship Services

Location: Sanctuary
Saturday, 6:00 p.m
Sunday, 8:00 and 11:00 a.m.
Nursery available for children ages 18 months-4 years old



Children’s Church

Location: Multipurpose room
First, third and fourth Sunday each month
Sunday, 11:00 a.m.
Contact: Rev. Marla Hawkins



Children’s Church is a safe, welcoming place where preschoolers learn about the love of God and the Word of God. Caring leaders share their love for Jesus and children, using bible stories, activities and games to introduce children to God’s wonder and His promises. Nurturing these young hearts, leaders help children learn that God loves them always.



CAYA – Come As You Are

Location: Sanctuary
First Wednesday of the month, 7:30 p.m.
Childcare available for children 2 years old and up
Contact: Rev. Dustin B. Sullivan
Come As You Are (CAYA) is a unique worship experience that focuses on issues, concerns and struggles we all deal with today. Worship and God’s Word come alive with a band, praise team and a dynamic drama ministry. Come early for a filling of food and fellowship then stay to nourish your spirit with worship.
Learn more about CAYA



Praying with the Pastor

Location: Sanctuary
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Contact: Rev. Joseph A.C. Smith
Praying with the Pastor is a monthly prayer gathering designed to help foster deeper relationships with God and community. One Monday each month, worshippers gather for an unscripted, unrestrained time in prayer and worship. Praying with the Pastor is organized by PULSE (Pray Unite Lead Serve Empower).




ASBC hosts two annual revivals that will feed and refresh your passion for Christ through worship, teaching, music and praise.
March Gladness: Every Tuesday in March, featuring four of the nation’s leading preachers.

Fall Revival:A three-day revival in September featuring a leading Baptist minister.




ASBC Video Release Policy: By entering this Church, you hereby grant the Alfred Street Baptist Church the right, but not the obligation, to photograph, film and capture you and your likeness, on film and/or through any other method currently available or that becomes available in the future. You further agree that these images may be used in the production, exhibition, distribution, promotion, publicity and advertising of similar events and any other event sponsored by the Alfred Street Baptist Church. Under no circumstances will your likeness be used in connection with commercial endorsements of any kind.

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