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Contact: Trustee James McNeil, Chairperson



The Trustee Ministry at Alfred Street Baptist Church is dedicated to the service of stewardship to the church, the community and everyone who comes to worship here. We welcome your prayers, your support, your input and your constructive criticism.


The Board of Trustees derives its authority to organize and operate under Article III, Section 7, of the Revised Constitution and Bylaws of the Alfred Street Baptist Church (effective February 8, 2011), and the state and federal laws applicable to nonprofit organizations.


There are currently 15 trustees, previously operated with a Board of nine trustees. In 2011 the ASBC Constitution and Bylaws were revised to expand the board membership. The members of the present Board are:



Worship Schedule: Saturday at 6pm   Sunday at 8am, 11am

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Trustee James Mc Neil, Chairman

Trustee Shelvee Osborne, Secretary

Trustee Monte Richards

Trustee Karen Croom

Trustee Charles Hawkins

Trustee Lani Shaw

Trustee Dexter Bordes

Trustee Robert Gentry


Trustee Lisa Wilson, Vice Chairman

Trustee James Berry

Trustee Mia Ryder

Trustee Sherri Jordan

Trustee Ronald Johnson

Trustee Barbara Williams

Trustee Pliska Gilliam



What is the function of the Board of Trustees?

The Board of Trustees controls and directs legal and financial affairs of the Church. The Board of  Trustees has responsibility for property decisions, as well. As a practical matter, the Board of Trustees handles the accounting of offerings, the purchase and sale of property for the Church, the coordination of management of rentals owned by the church, and the retention of legal counsel for  the Church. In short, the Board of Trustees is the governance arm of Church leadership, and provides oversight of any Church matters that have financial or legal implications. Some activities under Board direction are:


  • Management of the portfolio of the investments of the Church

  • Facilitation of purchase of properties under the vision of campus expansion

  • Establishment of a limited liability corporation to oversee ASBC-owned properties

  • Counting and depositing of all tithes and offerings for the Church


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